
Renaissance Fashion

* Amadis Sleeve: Tight - fitted sleeve covering over the back of the hand, invented in 1684 by an opera actress with unsightly arm.

* Attiffet: late 16th century arced woman's headdress, covered by a veil which fell to a point between the brows. Worn in black by widows. 

* Balandran: a medieval rain cape.

* Bertha: Deep round collar worn below shoulders on women's dresses.

* Bollonais Sleeves: Sleeves with small puffs running from shoulder to wrist.

* Boot: originating in medieval times for all-around wear, during renaissance boots became used only for riding, hunting and walking.

* Boot Hose: Long top-flared stockings worn over silk stockings.

* Bourdalou: Fine Hat- ribbon used to trim around outside of hats, many times adorned with buckles.

* Brandenburg: 17th century greatcoat.

* Brocatelle: Small-patterned cloth of a mix of silk, cotton, lisle or wool, and sometimes gold or silver thread.

* Canions: upper leg coverings worn over complete hose.

* Capa: Circular wide cloak with a hood worn in Spain and France.

* Cendal: Silk Taffeta - like material used for lining.

* Chaconne: Type of cravat made of ribbon dangling from neck to chest.

* Conch: Shell- Shaped hat made from gauze or crepe and mounted on a tin frame.

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